“The Blank Tapes sound like the Archies if Lou Reed had written their songs.” -- The New Yorker “A bent version of 60’s pop...really fun.” -- NPR “A Winsome Garage-Pop Gem.” -- SPIN “Awesome every time.” -- LA Weekly The Blank Tapes is the moniker of Los Angeles based multi-instrumentalist, Matt Adams, who has produced over a dozen albums of 1960’s inspired surf-pop, folk-rock & soul on Burger Records, Volcom, Antenna Farm, Royal Oakie, White Noise, and others. Their latest being the psychedelic stoner nugget collection “Geodesic Dome Piece” on Royal Oakie and the long-lost home recorded "Sha-La-Love". Along with his band mates, The Blank Tapes have toured throughout America, Brazil, Europe, & Japan. Matt is also the artist behind his band’s posters & album covers. New studio album "Ojos Rojos" coming 2016 on It's a Gas! Records!!
We're a pizza shop and bar located in Flamingo Heights, just north of Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. We have live music, cocktails, beer and special pop up events. We pride ourselves on being the local watering hole for so many lovely desert dwellers, but we also love seeing new faces. Even if you're just passing through for a quick bite we'll make you feel like a local. Stop in and say hi!
Yucca Valley / Joshua Tree
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Giant Rock Meeting Room
1141 Old Woman Springs Rd, Unit A
Yucca Valley,
California 92284
+1 (442) 272-1472